The last Sunday in January and I was struggling to think of a pic for Sinful Sunday, then the prompt appeared for Five Things - January The Longest Month and I finally had a hook.
January is normally a slow month with year end bits at work, updating bits for the upcoming year and a birthday near the end of the month. Generally an easy month pulling out of the post holiday slump. This year fate had other ideas and decided I should be on a roller coaster ride from the onset.
An easy start for the first couple of days and then the roller coaster ride began on the Friday. Late in the afternoon I received an unexpected teams call from my manager. She was letting me know that she had handed in her retirement notice, this was not totally unexpected as the past couple of years have been difficult and the frequency of her frustrations had been increasing. During the ensuing discussion I received a message on Bumble inviting me out for a drink from a lady I'd been chatting with since November. Despite only having been on 2 dates I knew I liked her and wanted to see how things progressed, so I confirmed back that I'd love to and we arranged the date.
After the weekend I was on 2 roller coaster rides. The first is a ride using my experience already gained in my job to continue what I love and take over as much as I can handle from my manager. She's prepared me for this over the almost 10 years I've worked with her in our 2 person team. It's daunting and I have my doubts at times but I know I can only do my best.
The second roller coaster is the one that scares me the most. Since the Friday I have been on several dates with the lady and we are still keeping things casual while we decide where we want to take things. I'm happy with this arrangement for the moment but I'm struggling with my emotions. Due to prior arranged family and friend events I've hardly seen her during the past 2 weekends other than a brief evening on the Friday a week ago. I want to see her more but I don't want to pressure her into anything. I'm scared I'll either come over as too pushy and over eager, only interested in one thing or not interested enough. I know that I'm doing everything right but it's a struggle when I know I like her a lot more than I can actually tell her at the moment.
So yes January has been an incredibly long and very testing month. I don't want to get off the ride but I would like to know where it's leading me.