Sunday 11 August 2019

Everything Happens For A Reason (And Actions Have Consequences)

I hadn't planned to do an entry for the Food For Thought Friday  'Words To Live By' but here I sit on a Sunday morning after a flood of thoughts deluged me during sleep.

I've always thought the saying 'Everything Happens For A Reason' was just that but during unsettled moments of sleep I started wondering. *note* I took a break to have a shave and realised that I need to add the saying 'Every Action Has A Consequence' to this as they are interlinked

Life is a game of decisions, some are simple, others are gut-wrenching hard. These decisions are sometimes thrust upon us requiring a quick response, or they are the result of research, discussion and debate.

These decisions however minor affect us down to the lowest level of our subconscious, and we may not even be aware of them. For example you may decide to skip your morning coffee/tea and breakfast. No big deal, or is it? That simple decision leads to mid morning hunger, making it difficult to concentrate on an important presentation, leading to key details missed, leading to someone else getting what you'd worked hard for.

Scary isn't it? Now apply that same train of thought to the sexual/sensual side of your life and see how far back you can go.

I can trace my journey back to 1984 when as a shy and somewhat geeky teen I viewed my first (hardcore) pornographic magazine. If I hadn't seen the pages of that small book I'm not sure I'd be sat here writing this. It sparked my curiosity into sex which has led me to where I am today.

I won't go into the fine details as I'm in the process of adding a bio to my blog which features this.

So my conclusion is, yes everything happens for a reason. Not always obvious reasons but it happens.


food for thought friday


  1. I do believe actions have consequences - this is such an important thing to teach the children.
    I am so pleased that Food for Though is getting you thinking - it is so cool you have joined in with our meme again. ;-)

  2. Nice to see you back for another week of #F4TFriday, lovely to see we are getting folks thinking. There are so many moments in my life where 'everything happens for a reason' is incredibly true, and I've made decisions that I could not count on as being the right ones, I stood by my actions though and had to hope the consequences played out as I envisioned. Sometimes they have, other times the 'reasons' of life were different to what I imagined. Never the less though, I seem to be travelling in the right direction in life and that is something to be grateful for :) Great post x
